1. Regulatory Licensing & Reporting

We enable your institution to automate data distribution and regulatory reporting through big data analytics, real time reporting and cloud computing.

2. Risk Management

We provide your institution with correct solutions, advice and guidance to detect compliance and regulatory risk, assess risk exposure, review current controls and level of compliance and anticipate future threats.

3. Identity Management & Control

We provide your institution with correct solutions, advice and guidance to detect compliance and regulatory risk, assess risk exposure, review current controls and level of compliance and anticipate future threats.

4. Compliance Service

We provide you with solutions with real time monitoring capabilities to track current state of compliance and upcoming regulations. Your institution shall be capable of capturing and monitoring regulatory data and thus optimize machine learning for more accurate compliance findings and resolutions.

Our Compliance Service Pack combines services such as vendor/procurement management, customer complaints review and framework management, governance management, policy drafting and training, compliance process alignment and simplification, product risk management, regulatory correspondence management, licensing applications and renewals, Compliance Function Team optimization, compliance monitoring and reviews and compliance capacity building and trainings.

5. Transaction Monitoring

We furnish you with solutions for real time transaction monitoring and auditing through leveraging the benefits of distributed ledger via block-chain technology and cryptocurrency.